Pro-Tech Group

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Pro-Tech Group Endorsed By Ford Motor Company

Ford Motor Company endorsed Pro-Tech Group in a letter addressed to its founder, Earle Higgins.

Dear Mr. Higgins:

Pursuant to certain logistical requirements and specific capabilities provided by the Pro-Tech Group, this letter is hereby given as confirmation of the Ford Motor Company review of the proposed Pro-Tech Mobile System Project.

This letter indicates Ford Motor Company's willingness to pursue the development of proposed applications that the Pro-Tech Mobile System provides for improved logistical capabilities and cost savings. We believe that capabilities obtainable with the Pro-Tech Mobile System will revolutionize how we reduce our carriers’ empty miles and how back-haul shipping is conducted in the future.

This exclusive system will offer Ford’s vehicle logistics operation increased efficiencies and operational performance as that was unheard of before introducing the Pro-Tech Mobile System.

The review process described in this letter is in the final stages and should only require the finalization of legal language and terms to be agreed upon. This should not be construed as complete but as an indication of the process towards an agreement and forming a strategic business alliance with Pro-Tech Group, Inc.


Manager of North American Vehicle Logistics
Global Logistics – MFE – MP&L
Ford Motor Company